Garden Becomes Middle Earth For Hobbit Crazy Couple’s Wedding

Their garden became Hobbiton for their special day. The groom dressed as Frodo Baggins, the bride as elf queen Galadriel.

Will Grant, 28, who’s a big fan of the J.R.R. Tolkien fantasy novel, convinced his wife-to-be, Amy Gander, 33, to turn their garden in Woolacombe, North Devon into Middle Earth for their big day.

It started off as a joke by one of Will’s friends, but it turned into reality for the Hobbit mad couple. It took them 6 months to transform the garden at their home in North Devon.

Amy, who works as a teacher, said: ‘Our garden looks a lot like the Shire anyway so we just added a few features to make it more of a middle earth experience for the guests.’


They rowed to a pond where a man dressed as Gandalf took their vows and a well-trained eagle delivered the wedding rings.


They even created a website to give guests some costume inspiration. It advised attendees to bring weapons but to ‘keep safety in mind’.

‘If you have a bow and arrow, please leave the arrows at home to avoid the temptation of firing them,’ the description read.


‘Gimli the Dwarf warrior’ won the prize for ‘best dressed’ (above) Amy said that her friend spent the whole day up walking on his knees and ended up with blisters.

‘I was completely overwhelmed by the effort people had put into their costumes, my favourite part of the whole day was walking down the aisle.

‘I saw my next-door neighbour dressed as Gandalf sat on a white horse then beyond him 170 people in the most amazing fancy dress.

‘It made me feel so special that people had gone to the trouble of making such elaborate costumes for our wedding.’

The couple’s five-month-old twins, Ferne and Xavier, and their 21-month-old girl, Gwen, came as baby hobbits while other guests kept their fancy dress as a surprise until the day.


Their fantastical setting was decked with hobbit holes, an enchanted forest and a wooden entrance with the carved inscription ‘speak friend and enter’ based on the Gates of Moria

For the wedding cake the couple had the Lord of The Rings trilogy designed, with three book-shaped sponges stacked into a tower.


On July 10 the couple had their legal wedding which channelled the Emily Brontë novel, Wuthering Heights

For their honeymoon the newlyweds are planning a trip to South Wales.

Source: Daily Mail